Privacy Policy

Dear User, we would like to inform you that we are currently in the process of updating our privacy policy according to the new provisions.


Last updated on: Feb, 19, 2019

Operadora Desire, SAPI de CV under the commercial name of Desire Riviera Maya form part of “Original Group” business group, located at Km 3.5 Boulevard Kukulcán, Hotel Zone, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico , CP 77500, is responsible for the processing, use and protection of personal data provided to us in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data held by Private Parties.

The personal data requested is necessary in order to provide you with the service that you have requested, and will be used for the following:


Primary Purpose:

Hosting Services

Goods or products have required concerning secondary objectives listed below

Changes in the products or services


Evaluation of the quality of service we offer

Purpose of compliance


We also use your personal data for the following reasons which are not necessary for the requested service, however allow us to provide you with better service.


Secondary Purpose:

Round-trip airport transfers (airport – hotel, hotel – airport)

Spa services

“Premier” membership invitation

Information regarding promotions and special offers

Credit for travel agents (Providers) and database providers, as well as payment options



In the case that you do not want your personal data to be processed for these secondary purposes, please send your request in writing to our legal department which is located at: Calle Sierra Lot 17-01, SM. 3, Mz. 9, Cancun, Quintana Roo, CP 77500 or by email: dataprotect@original-group.com

For any questions or clarification regarding the procedure, whether wishes to express its disapproval of this privacy notice, please contact the following US .: 1 888 201 7551 phone, CAN: 1 888 655 9311 , MEX: 01 800 500 0587, with our Privacy Department.

If you choose not to share your personal data, for the above stated purposes, this does not mean that we will deny the services or products that you have requested, or contracted from us.


Request for Personal Information:

1. Name
2. Address
3. Mobile Phone
4. Home Phone
5. Office Phone (Suppliers)
6. Mail
7. Name of the company (Suppliers)
8. Federal Taxpayers Registry (Suppliers)

In addition to the aforementioned personal data for the purposes disclosed in this privacy notice we will also use the following personal information deemed sensitive and / or property that requires special economic protection:

Credit card holder’s name, card number, expiration date, card type (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), and the security code. For Suppliers we need bank account details such as: Bank’s name, cardholder’s name, account number and the routing number (CLABE).

It is also important to inform you that your personal data will be transferred and processed inside and outside of the country and the following external people, companies, organizations and authorities for the following purposes:

  • Receiver Personal Data Field


  • “Aventour” Mexico & USA transfers. (Transportation: Airport – hotel -airport)


  • “Operadora New Life”, S. A. de C. V. (Receive an invitation for our internal timeshare membership program “Premier”)

Note that for the transfers indicated in the table above, your explicit consent is required, according to Article 9 the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data held by Private Parties. We ask that you indicate whether you accept or refuse your data be transferred. If you do not reject this procedure it will be understood that you have given your authorization.

You have a right to know what personal data of yours we have, the way it is used and the conditions of its use (Access). In addition, it is your right to request correction of your personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification). You have the right to request that your personal data be removed from our records or databases if you consider that it is not being used in accordance with the principles and obligations stipulated in the regulations (Cancellation). And the right to oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes (opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights.

To exercise any of the ARCO rights, you may send a written request at any time to our Legal Department at: PROMOTORA HOTELERA ORIGINAL S.A. de C.V., Calle Sierra lote 17-01, SM. 3, Mz. 9, Cancun, Quintana Roo, C.P. 77500, or email: dataprotect@original-group.com


You request should contain and be accompanied by the following:

1.-  Your full name, address and E-mail to allow us to respond to your request; II. Document proving your identity (Copy of an official identification with photo and signature); III. clear description of your request, the right you want to exercise, or if you want to limit the use of your information, access to your personal data and/or revoke your consent; IV. The clear and precise description of the personal data authorized by you; V. Any other item or document that facilitates the location of your personal data; SAW. A power of attorney (POA) signed by two witnesses (copy of an official identification with photo and signature of who grants and who accepts) if the person is an agent that promotes or represents the owner of the personal data.

If request correction of your personal data, you must indicate the changes to be made, and provide the necessary documentation to support your request.

For more information about the procedure and requirements to exercise your ARCO rights, call: USA: 7551 1888201, CAN: 1888655 9311, MEX: 01,800,500 0587; you may also enter www.original-group.com, our website to contact our Legal Department, to process all requests to exercise your rights, as well as attend to any questions you may have regarding the use of your personal data.


2.-Contact details of our privacy department are: Privacy Department, located at the address street known as Sierra Lot 17-01, superblock 03 Manzana 09 Cancun, Quintana Roo, C.P. 77500, email: dataprotect@original-group.com, with phone numbers: USA: 7551 1888201, CAN: 1888655 9311, MEX: 01,800,500 0587.


You may revoke your consent for the use of your personal data if it was not previously authorized. However, it is important to note that your request may not be eligible in all cases, nor the immediate termination of your personal data, as sometimes it is by legal obligation to continue the use of this information. Please note that in certain cases, withdrawal of consent does not mean that we cannot continue to provide the service requested, or terminate your relationship with us.

The time frame to follow-up on your request is provided in Article 32 of the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data held by Private Parties. It states: No more than twenty working days from the date that the application is received, to inform the contractor of the decision made, so that if appropriate, it can be assigned within the fifteen days after the response has been communicated, making it possible to extend the periods mentioned only once per period, as long as they are justified by the circumstances.

In order to limit the use and disclosure of your personal data we offer the following:

Registration in the Public Registry to avoid advertising, which states that your personal information may not be used for advertising or commercial promotion of goods or services by the Federal (CJF) on the website http: //rpc.profeco.gob.in /, or call from Mexico, Guadalajara and Monterrey: 96 28 00 00, and the rest of Mexico: 01,800,962 8000.

To cancel your subscription to our Newsletter, you will find a “Cancel Subscription” button in the lower portion of our e-mails. This button will take you to a website where you will have the opportunity to let us know the reason behind your cancellation. We invite you to leave your suggestions on how we can better the delivery of our e-mails. If you would prefer not to leave a comment, simply check the box, “No reason, just let me out.”

Please note that our website uses cookies and other technology through which we can control the behavior of Internet Users, as well as to provide better service and user experience when browsing on our site.

The personal data we collect from these tracking technologies are:

• Open and selected pages of information from our website history
• Personal information described above, such as: Name, address, cell phone, home phone and E-mail, which is saved only in the case of a reservation or subscription, and that you have provided our web forms with this personal data.
• Sensitive information about the card holder such as: Credit cardholder’s name, account number, expiration date, type of card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), and the security code for the online payment of your reservation; as well as bank account details (Suppliers): Bank, cardholder name, account number and the routing number (CLABE).

We store data for a predetermined period-of-time. For each type of data, we set retention timeframes based on the reason for its collection. We keep some data if it’s useful in helping us understand how users interact with our features, and how we can improve our services.

It is important to communicate that the monitoring and storage of the information that is stored by these websites, only includes cookies, however we cannot keep track of the IP address.

This data will be used for the primary purposes listed above.

This technology can be disabled in Internet Explorer by following these steps:

To delete your browser history on Internet Explorer 7:

1. Open Internet Options, click the Start button, click: Control Panel, click: Network and Internet, and then click: Internet Options.
2. Click on the General tab, and then under Browsing History, click: Delete.
3. Under History, click: Clear History, then click Yes to confirm you want to delete the history.
4. Click Close and then click OK.


To delete your browsing history on Internet Explorer 8:

1. Open Internet Explorer, click the Start button, and then click Internet Explorer
2. Click the Safety button, and then click: Delete browsing history.
3. If you do not want to delete the cookies and files associated with websites in your favorites list, select the Preserve Favorites website data.
4. Select the box next to the categories of information you want to delete.
5. Click Remove.

For more information about using these technologies, please consult the website: http://windows.microsoft.com/es-mx/windows-vista/clear-the-history-of-websites-youve-visited

Also, please keep in mind that we will share this information with outside companies for the purposes listed in the table.

Personal data recipient Purpose.Interguest Country USA reservation systems provider (Booking engine) by One, dedicated hosting provider, Web Hosting US (Web Hosting)

This privacy notice may be changed at any time without prior notice. These changes or updates may be related to new legal requirements, our own needs in reference to products or services we offer, our privacy practices, changes in our business model, or other causes.

We pledge to keep you informed about changes regarding our privacy policy the following way:

I) .- Our website: www.original-group.com

II) .- By E-mail sent from our account: dataprotect@original-group.com

The process by which we will notify you about changes or update to our privacy policy will be based on necessity, based on the list of the users of our services, that have accepted the terms and conditions stated in this document.

It is important to note that the official representative of the Federal Law of the Prevention and Identification of Illicit Resources Operations, along with the list of obligations contained in Articles 21 and 22, your information and documentation that has been provided by you, will be sent to the Ministry of Finance Mexico, by submitting all notices stipulated by this Law.


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